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  1. B

    What if I don't really lift weights?

    <p>With the New Year quickly approaching I am looking ahead and I want to get back into martial arts training.  Unfortunately, I never like to do anything half assed and I will end up training pretty much everyday, and not really lifting weights at all.</p><p>(I've spent the last 2 years...
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    Round 3

    <p>Starting to plan out my 3rd cycle after having good results from two Test E only cycles (with pct) and equal time spent off cycle.</p><p>At what point do I start looking at other things? I put on A LOT of muscle with the test only cycles. (Almost too much, I had to buy all new...
  3. B

    Perfect Cycle??

    <p>Something I stumbled across... wondered about some of your thoughts .  Especially on the front loading/mega dosing part. It is counter to everything I've ever heard about trying to maintain consistant levels...</p><p></p>
  4. B

    So I got some HCG...

    <p>First, thanks to everyone's help here at MG for getting me through my first Test cycle and PCT. I am so happy with the results, and I'm gearing up for a 2nd round. (It has been the full 16 weeks post PCT)<br />I ordered my test, and got a bunch of HCG delivered as a bonus or something.<br...
  5. B

    PCT= Loss of appetite?

    <p>While I knew that my strength would fall off a bit, and I noticed a drop in energy pretty quick after finishing my cycle, one thing I didn't anticipate was my loss in appetite.</p><p>I put on a good 15 pounds during the 12 weeks I was on test and I was eating everything in sight (on purpose)...
  6. B

    First Cycle check in

    <p>Hey guys,</p><p>I'm 6 weeks into my first cycle.. I've been shooting 250 test e twice a week and will probably start my AI soon.<br /><br />Just thought I'd throw down a couple notes about how things are going.</p><p>I'm definitely seeing some muscle and strength gains in the gym. Nothing...
  7. B

    Quick questions

    <p>I'm getting ready to begin my first cycle and I had a couple questions come up that I didn't think of before...</p><p>1. Injection time?</p><p>-Should it be first thing in the morning? I.e. will there be some sort of burst of energy that would keep me up at night?</p><p>- Should it be done...
  8. B

    1st cycle, add anavar?

    <p>Hey guys, I was speaking with a friend of mine who has done a few cycles in the past,  and he recommended adding anavar to my Test E cycle.</p><p>Not that I don't trust the guy, but I've never thought he was the brightest bulb on the tree either. </p><p>Any thoughts? </p>
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    prepping for a photo shoot

    <p>I wasn't sure where to post this,  but I am about 4 weeks out from a sorta fitness photo shoot.</p><p>I've been doing this transformation program for about a year, and while my results haven't been amazing,  I would like to document them.</p><p>Any experience with this?  Any tips training...
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    The Dolce Diet

    <p>Does anyone follow or recommend the Dolce diet?</p><p>I've been using his recipes for a long time now, and to be honest the food is great, but he doesn't really talk much about macronutrients or calories much.  Since I've seen a lot of focus on proteins/carbs/fats and calorie surplus/deficit...
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    Member Reviews

    <p>Hello Mods and everyone else.<br /><br />Over the course of the past few months, I've found a few members that I feel I can trust when it comes to discussing sources and cycles. (Lots of very knowledgeable people on this board).</p><p>When the validity of some of the src reviews on the site...
  12. B

    Taking PCT recreationally

    <p>I've been looking at lot at different PCT drugs, and learning about what they do in the body.<br /><br />I was wondering what downside there would be to using Clomid as a test booster, or A.I.'s to help reduce estrogen in the body.<br /><br />*I mean, without going on Test or something...
  13. B

    First cycle, Test E and PCT thoughts.

    <p>From what I've learned on the forums, a Test E cycle is recommended for first timers.<br />I am 35 years old, semi-athletic and looking to get into the VERY athletic range.</p><p style="margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; font-stretch...
  14. B

    Glad that I found this site!

    <p>Good morning everyone,<br /><br />I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi.<br /><br />I found this site after throwing away $150 on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I googled reviews of the site after I wired money only to find out they are total bullshit. However, had I not done that, I probably would...