New here on trt looking for some advice


Well-known member
Hey hey. So I'm wanting to stop dealing with the Dr for the typical reasons people mention in here. currently I'm taking 100mg a week of xyosted (test e in a fun little pen lol). So my questions are is it possible to source it myself and still use a small syringe in the stomach like these pen things? I realize I can't get a pen but the painless small needle is nice. I was on test c doing normal injections but these got me kinda spoiled. Also I was thinking of splitting it into 2 injections a week of 50 or 75 MG instead of one injection of 100mg anybody see any issue with that? So bassically I need some recommendations on what to get and also I know it can't be in the post but maybe pm me some does and don'ts on finding a good source. Thanks


Well-known member
Some people back fill insulin syringes for the subcutaneous injections.

Can't speak for safety here though, cause back filling a syringe seems like the perfect way to get an abcess to me.

Also UGL gear sometimes needs to be dosed higher, due to being underdosed in the vial. Or not. Its UGL, it could just be dog cum.

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Some people back fill insulin syringes for the subcutaneous injections.

Can't speak for safety here though, cause back filling a syringe seems like the perfect way to get an abcess to me.

Also UGL gear sometimes needs to be dosed higher, due to being underdosed in the vial. Or not. Its UGL, it could just be dog cum.
Two bottles of dog cum please 😂👍👍👍


Well-known member
Awweee puppy. Lol. Right on. Back filling doesn't sound like a great idea to me either so what would you recommend for syringes then?


Well-known member
Hes a greyhound cross with blue merled collie, most beautiful animal I've ever owned.

I like 23g 30mm, nice and deep in muscle. Juice will flow nicely. I tried 24g 25mm but I could feel the juice filling up a little pocket, I don't get that with 23g. Only the initial scratch of needle then nothing. Unless nerve, or blood vessel. I use the butt only.

Well-known member
So my questions are is it possible to source it myself and still use a small syringe in the stomach like these pen things?
its better to use intramuscular injections for testosterone.
Also I was thinking of splitting it into 2 injections a week of 50 or 75 MG instead of one injection of 100mg anybody see any issue with that?
it's actually recommended splitting the dosage rather than using it once a week