Allergic reaction

So had some pretty crazy shit happen yesterday, I had a follow up for a yearly checkup that I just did where I needed a cat scan because I had a microscopic amount of blood in my urine during my checkup, doctors told me it could be a fluke, could be that I had kidney stones and didn't know it. They didn't say it could be anything worse, even though google kinda scared the shit outta me when I searched it later but I went ahead and started my cycle. Test E 150mg m/w/f and var 50mg a day. So I'm four days into my cycle when I go for the cat scan yesterday. I had no immediate reaction to the iodine stuff they inject, had no issues at all. In fact, the gal said a lot of times ppl feel flush in the face and whatnot, I didn't have any of that so thought nothing of it.

About an hour and a half later (about 1:30pm) I got home and it was time for my injection and var dose. (I just wanna say in hindsight it was dumb to do this so quickly after that CT scan.) About 15 minutes after that the side of my neck like right below my ears turns red and itches, I'm like..ummm ok. Waited it out, took a claritin allergy pill. By two hours later I had hives starting on my chest. I waited about another hour then had my dad come look, he was a medic and we discussed taking a benadryl but I held off for another hour, it was about 5pm at this point and I was worried about combining to much shit. Ended up taking it at about 6-7pm (25mg), felt better, started to relax (I was a bit panicked by the time I asked my dad to come look). By this time, It was later about 11pm and I was starting to get tired, felt like I could sleep but before i did, i got up to go take a piss and holy fuck now my eyes are swelling. I felt better but I went to the ER because I might be a badass but I'm not going to sleep if there is even the slight possibility that it would get worse and my throat is ganna swell up while I sleep. They gave me more benadryl and what I'm guessing was prednisone because that's what he prescribed upon leaving. I was there for about an hour and they cut me loose. Told them everything that happened and the doc was pretty chill about it, he said its likely I just had a reaction to the cat scan fluid they inject but that there were to many unknowns to know for sure.

Long story short, I really thought about aborting the whole cycle but I think what I'm going to do is wait a couple days, let the cat scan crap get out of my system and get back into my regular injection times with test, probably going to split my dose that first day and see how my body reacts and for now I'm not throwing the var back in the mix because I really think that's what did it but it could literally not even be related to aas and my body just didn't like the cat scan crap but it took a while to really notice the issues, I had never had a cat scan before and this allergic reaction seemed to happen kind of slow but it kept progressing that thats why I eventually went in to the ER.

what do you guys think, crazy huh. I feel better today, my next regular injection would be monday..should I wait a day longer than that? I'm also on a three day treatment with prednisone but the hive is pretty much gone, all the swelling was down even before I got my prednisone perscription filled today. Pretty crazy shit yeah, sorry for the long post. If anything I thought it might be a good thing to post because you never know what you'll have an allergic reaction to and im someone who generally never has allergic reactions other than like mild hey fever.
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Well-known member
Sounds like a rough night. Glad your alright.. Weird though for sure. Your far from the first person to have a reaction to dye. Its mostly sugar and makes alot of people feel like shit.

I doubt the steroid played a part but you could have some bad stuff.

If you proceed, a smart way would be introducing a single compound at a fraction of the normal dose. Wait and see how you react if at all. If there is no reaction, you could go with the full dose. Then wait again.
The next day or few days, see how that goes and if you want to, add the next compound in under the same protocol..

Have you tested your gear?
Another possibility is that you could be allergic to the oil in the juice or a filler in the pill....

Do you have other know allergies?


In my experience if it's an issue with the injectable the issue will be at and around the injection site. If it were the var you would've had issues day 1 or 2. Just keep you some benadryl on hand. For future reference allergy meds like claritin, allegra, and zyrtec are not very effective for allergic reactions. Benadryl is the only way to go for reactions.
Dunbar, I haven't tested it yet, I forgot they have these bad ass kits you can test everything with now, they didn't have that a few years ago so I'm ganna get one soon. Otherwise bloodwork will tell me in six weeks but I doubt its bunk, without to much detail, (dont want to get in trouble) but lets just say a lot of very good reviews and all fairly recent reviews on that end but I suppose anything is possible, or maybe it got ruined somehow? Nothing floating in it so that's a good sign right lol.

I do also wonder if it could be the oil used, this stuff does seem a bit thicker than what I used on last cycle but both were test E and I had no issues on the other cycle. I would think I would of had a reaction the first shot if it was the oil but yeah I'm going to proceed with caution. I Actually planned on doing exactly what your thinking Dunbar, introduce a fraction of it and see if a rash or anything comes on.

Dolf, as far as the injection sight only thing I've noticed is a bit of PIP but no to too bad. Ikd been hitting my delts so that might be the issue on that, honestly I wanna do what i guess would technically be my Vastus Lateralis, like mid thigh but I've been hearing a lot about not injecting there because of all the nerves but I think the issue there might be more like the top of the thigh because that nurse last night told me there was nothing in that Vastus Lateralis spot, she didn't call it that but that whats she pointed at and i geeked out on the shit and been staring at pics of muscle groups n shit...feel like a noob. lol. Oh and I hate the glute maximus cause i cant see it that well lol. Anyway getting back to the point, yeah I dont know why i took the claritin, should of just took the benadryl to begin with.

Anyway thanks for the responses guys, crazy shit, I feel a lot better today, still a little itch so yeah I'll introduce my test in s..l..o...w..l...y tommorrow, actually excited, even after all that. Oh on a positive note getting my diet in check pretty good. Bought a food scale n shit and i have this app on my phone for tracking calaries and whatnot, pretty cool. Havent cheated today, it is tempting though, my daughter left a big ass cinnamon roll in the fridge and that's tempting but I did really good today so imma leave it alone lol.

Still alive!!
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I cant edit my reason for editing, lol ok all i was saying was technically they said i have an "allergy" to that clonazapam shit. No other allergies that I know of.
Update: Alright ladies and gents everything came back good on the results from CT scan. I'm back on schedule with everything, no other allergic reactions. Been fighting some PIP but I think I got that figure out (fingers crossed, i'll know for sure in the am). Happy 4th ya'll! 'Merica
I'm still not 100% sure. Haven't had any other reactions. I'm ganna do the ask and discussion thing to figure out that was made with that eo oil though, probably a good idea to know for sure.