Trt info


I recently went from about 1000 mg of test week to now 300 week, im on legit now and i was on the higher amounts for past year- needless to say my test levels r readable now i came down pretty suddenly and past two weeks ive felt awful could i b goin through testosterone withdrawals?
Ny weights gone from 202 to 189 and i been pissin alot at night so the edema is probably clearing up.
Im also on emcloniphene and i guess thats usually prescribed for women but apparently it has some benefits for guys as well.
Do any of u know if some of what im feeling could b hust the adjustment from where i was to where im at now on the test?
And are any if you familiar woth emcloniphene for men??


Well-known member
enclomiphene is there to boost sperm count and for PCT. since you're still using testosterone, it only helps boost sperm load
had a bloodwork? you need to find your T levels and estrogen levels at least. 1000 mg/week is a huge dosage even for a cycle, but even 300 mg/week is too much (likely) for TRT.


Well-known member
Never had test withdrawal, but with hormones literally anything can happen.

Depending on ester, your probably suffering high E2 from T dose being too high. Will clear up on its own as E normalises.


Yeah my kevel us now at 1700 test free n total.
It was undetectable this past year when i was at bout 1000 week, now im at 300 week n its coning down can one still maintain gains at liwervthen 2000 mg per deciliter of testosterone?
Thats what im worried bout that i wont b able to maintain my gains if my kevel keeps falling.
Im also on dbol 20 ng day snd work out twice day cuz i wanna keep what ive gained this past year of runnin test n tren.


I remember u man ( unclem)
I went by jay 206 void,
Yeah it is but!! Can someone still build and maintain their physique adequately at kets say 1500?


Rember u too lee the human. U have a great physique, i used tren cuz u keep the gains if u maintain in the gum. Im not on tren anymire but i am taking three hundred test e a week and disnabol cuz i couldnt cut in anymore i hit ny limit. So i knew only thing i could do was stay whete i was or put on some mass and then chop it in after the dbol cycle. I am taking arimidex im quitting the emcloniihene as i dont care bout speem count i dint have sex anymore because id have to choose between the two and now in life the gym is gonna cone first so my sex life is retired permanently.
But look, i just wanna b able to maintain my gains and id always heard that cruisin on trt and continuing the building would keep everythng where it is.
Comin from 1000 week to 300 gas sucked sucked butt water its one hell of an adjustment, someone suggested that coming from the black market testosterones to pharmacy test i could b detoxin from some of the shit thats put in the black market shit. I dont know i just know i felt better on the black market gear.


Well-known member
You can maintain your Gainz at 150mg per week. You just aren't that big... 189... it's anything crazy.
I'm 190 and continue to gain on a trt dose of 125mg.
If you have to rely on a massive amount of gear to grow... you aren't doing something right.
1,700 is going to cause cholesterol and prostate issues... both problems you don't want.

If you were running 1000mg for the better part of a year... and you're only 190... something is very wrong with your diet and or lifting program. You're lucky you didn't really hurt yourself


I was new to it uneducated when ud come in here id jus get banged on by all the meatheads that r bigger n better then the gyys like me that r trying so.,.
But im not concerned with any repurcussions from any high doses of anything ive become impotent byt im fine with that i actually like it better this way.
This is what i signed up for i knew there were risks with test n tren n everything else i ran- and btw my goal was never to get big i went for the cut the striatuons in the shoulders the definition i continue to do lighter weights just way way more sets/reps i do 2 hours cardio a day to kerp the chiseled in look - i do lack in the diet area i only eat tuna, milk, greek yougurt, granola peanut butter right out the jar, n chicken.
But i take a duffel bag full of like l glutamine, l lysine, all kinds of shit so i do get adequate vitamns n minerals. I do the red light therapy with my tanning because it stimulates collagen production so ive learned alot over the past year plus since i comitted to runnin gear. The dise of test that works for u dont for me- my levels were below the low end of the spectrum n that has to do with my history they calked it hypogonadism n sent me the damn emcloniphene with the test but ive shitcanned that medicine because im not worried bout higher sperm count lol,
My junk dont work n thats a godsend because the gym and getting into shape means more to me then having to deal with the distractions when it comes to women n sex.
Im too damn okd for that now anyways, i have until im 47 to achieve my goals because the risk of strokes n shit is greatly increased- i wish i had done this earlier in life because im seeing just what my genetics r capable of and yeah i just wanna kerp goin man. Tren was the best decision i ever made and i stayed at around 1000 week test because like i said i didnt know where my optimal dose if test was n if sonethings not broke then my granpappy always said dont fix it.
So im at 300 week and its proving one helluva adjustment but my clinic said i can if this isnt enough go up to 400 werk but im gonna give it a fair shot n see.
Ty for your response i do aporeciate the valuable input.


Well-known member
Yeah that's me brother... and I don't mean to sound like a asshole... I know I am one ... but I'm not trying to put you down or anything like that.
My number one concern is your health! I'm not surprised your dick doesn't work... that's a crazy amount of test for a crazy long time.

How many calories, protein and carbs are you eating day to day?
And what's your water intake?
Also if you want to look and feel like the man I highly suggest taking mast.
If will give you that full dry look you're after, and maybe help in the dick department.

Personally I'd lose all my muscle tomorrow if it meant my dick not working. Being able to fuck my girl into a speech impediment is far more important to me than the size of my biceps.
The reason why you might be losing mass even on 300mg is because you were off the charts for so long. When you're body finally comes back down to a normal level and stays there... odds are you will be able to start putting size on again with a smaller dose.
You can only fill your receptors up so much... like a cup of water. Once they are full... it's full and you are just pooping it on the floor.
You have to give your body time to level out.
I'm curious to know what your est was during this time... probably off the charts and why your dick doesn't work.
You should really try to get down to 1,100-1,200ng-dl and stay there for a while.
This might get everything working again... and even still be able to put size on.

I'm really sorry if I seemed like a dick... it's more of a person problem with all the terrible information out there. I literally just said this on here yesterday. Other forums and social media is full of just awful information.
People who aren't ready or experienced enough jump on a massive amount of gear, end up hurting themselves then come here for help.
If only you found us first... we could have probably had you at 215 with a lower bf% and a 🍆 that would even make me envious 🤣😂
(If you read through enough posts you'll get the joke there)

But yeah... I highly suggest jumping on a little bit of mast... probably help you feel better and help with your libido


No hey i wasnt saying u were a dick to me i jus know in the past whenni first started and id come here for advice id run into juiced up assholes that jus wanted to put someone down to make themselves feel bigger n better. What u said makes lotta sense about the test levels. I drink nothing but water ( occasional diet coke) im taking anastrazole because of the dbol.thats funny as hell u sayin u gotta b able to screw ur chick into a speech impediment lol, i do miss all that i dont even yank on it myself anymore and thats been the hardest thing ever but once u get past about a month u learn to ignore it lol.
But in truth man with me its a tradeoff id have to stop going to the gym if i were to have sex and i am still capable i just cant get to 100 percent because of the whole impotency thing. I dont care anymore but i hear ya and itd b nice if i didnt have to choise between ine or the other. My cretinine kinease levels r always way elevated and its hatd for me to put in mass but ive put on quite a bit of lean mass over past two years since i quit dope n got in the gym. I hope u didnt think i meant u i do t remember who it was it was a few different guys though so i was completely in the dark with gear n all that but ive found my way since


Well-known member
Yeah some forums are nuts... and we've worked pretty hard to make this a place with the least amount of assholes possible... except for me... I'm the resident asshole 😁.


Dude thats really u in the profile pic?
N ur good doggie i dont recall u ever sayin anything outta line or whatever


I was on mastvrecently i did a blend of testvbtren n mast i wanted to get some of that vascular n thin skin look to my final part of last cycle. U gotta b below certain body fat n i wasnt before but i fell below 7 percent body fat n dis some.
I was impressed but it disnt put lead in the pencil as u have suggested.
Its hard for guys like u to believe but i dont want that i dont have a chikk and id have to give up the gym if i were to decide i wanted that.
The gym is all i need. All i want.


Well-known member
Yeah brother... it's me...
This is my 3 year transformation. The first 1.5yrs I was natural.

And I replaced pills with gear and sex... more sex than gear... but yeah I couldn't live without sex... id probably jump off a bridge 😂🤣😂


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Lol, yeah u would want to trust me. Your blessed man to b able to have both- cherish it! Sux i gotta choose but im used to it. Done with the emcloniphene as theres no meed for it. Have u ever taken arimidex? Do u know anything bout dbol?
I take 20 mg to 30 day i workout twice day. Ill never look anything like u do fukk , its discouraging that i still look way i do after two years of working hard everyday in gym. This is me i know i look nothing like someone such as yourself but keep in mind i couldnt do 1 full pushup a couple years ago- i quit doin drugs got clean and gym been my addiction ever since. Id love to have obliques like yours.


Well-known member
You shouldn't run orals for more than 5 weeks.
And no I keep my dose low so I've never ran into high est sides.